Sunday 19 June 2011

Grey Moon Waning (elite) and Cult of the Six (normal) quest chains tomorrow night

Level range 7-10. Starting at 7.30pm UK time / 8.30pm CET. As I think we have one or two F2P players in the guild at the moment, I should probably mention that one needs the Sorrowdusk Isle adventure pack to be able to do these chains.
There are 2 people besides me who are likely to come so atm it looks like there are 3 free spots.

I might also put together a Shroud on Wychcraft before or after. Not sure yet though and also depends how many people would be interested, if not many, I'll probably just join a pug.


  1. Bah i have no-one in the level range for that... unless I LR one of my others, but i'm not planning on that just yet :)

    I should be off timer for shroud on most of my characters though so can bring one for that.. probably Ossuary to try for that supreme shard again

  2. I allways up for a Shroud :) count me in

  3. Nobody was interested so Khyr and I just did GMW on leet. Might do COT6 later this week but I don't think I'll bother to announce it this time. :)

  4. If you want to look into some other runs besider the usual Shrouds, I would be delighted to see some HoX and Titans in the near future! These won't have to be an All Guildes approach, just a few and PUG the rest. Of Curse, Abbot is just as fine as the 2 mentioned above!

    I firstly mention these because I need to learn them and have fun with them. As I don't see any other posting here on what they would like running with the guild.

