Wednesday 18 September 2013

Across the pond

Hi dudes,
I'm going on a two week business trip to California this Saturday. I expect I'll probably get bored occasionally at the hotel in the evenings and log in, however as that that will be morning for you guys, you probably won't see much of me, maybe except the weekend. I'll be back on Friday 4th October.
Have fun and behave in the meantime!

Sunday 1 September 2013

DC/crashing issues

Hi guys,

Not sure if this is mentioned in the known issues or somewhere like that but I have noticed that when I crash or DC rather than log out properly, some changes I have made on my characters are lost. I'm pretty sure I have lost some changes I made to my shortcut bars (eg. I moved a thing from one bar to another, then crashed at some point before logging out and when I came back, it was back on the original bar). I also suspect this even affects plat sharing via shared bank. I deposited some cash on Reckluse, then crashed and when I logged back in, the money was gone from the bank. I panicked a bit but then logged Reckluse and the plat seemed to be back in his inventory.

So if you find out you're missing something, it might be worth a try checking the character who had it originally.
