Monday 19 September 2011

Kobolds hate you once again

Crystal Cove is going live again today and will be open until October 9. I have most of the items I wanted from it on Thelanis but I'm planning to get a couple more bits, including gear for my new artificer. So if you'd like to run it, let me know, I'm definitely not going to farm it as much as when it previously on but I'll be happy to do some runs, it's a fun quest as long as you don't overdo it. :)
EDIT: I know that some people in the guild more or less missed the event when it was on the last two times, I've stumbled upon this thread that you might be interested in reading if you want to know what it's all about.

UPDATE SEP 28: The Cove is up now!

Also I'll probably try to get flagged for the new raids at some point this week, not sure when yet so if you'd like to team up to run the new quests, let me know.



  1. Will probably do a few runs when its back up, but ideally would like a few low to mid level runs so i can get some of the lower level versions of the gear.

    On another note, arty at level 9 & just got the haste imbue... crikey arties r fun, not spent this long on a single toon for some time!

  2. Glad you're having fun!

    Unfortunately it doesn't look like Teh Koboldz will be up this week now:

  3. Yeah noticed that one.. oh well less stuff to distract me from my arty - am getting to the point now where it might take me *gasp* MORE than one day to get a level!

  4. let me know when you want to do the new quests. when i'm at home i'll be online in Skype. what level are they by the way?

  5. Flagging quests are 19, raids are 20.
