Tuesday 23 August 2011

Quiet week but Shroud on Friday

Hi peeps, I'm having a bit of a quiet week DDO-wise, trying to catch up on some non-gaming activities. If you want to do something specific in game, let me know and I'll see if I can log in and help out. I'm definitely planning a Shroud on Friday night as usual and perhaps some more guild questing afterwards if there's interest.



  1. I'd like to fit in a ToD or 2 (Gazunder & Ossanna both have boots, are flagged & have done runs on them now, Kamiara has boots but i forgot I still need to finish flagging), maybe a VoD for Ossuary too or a Tor run for Carmarthen or Ossrock to flag for Reaver - other than that i'm planning to just do various little bits & pieces.

    I've only really got tonight & thursday left though, then i'll likely be away for most of next week playing Deus Ex - tho will check on here for any scheduled raids or specific runs :)

  2. I think alidudes are doing a ToD on Thursday so I might try to see if they have a spot. Not sure it'll happen though as I might be speaking to my parents on Thursday night so not positive I'll be able to log in in time.
