Wednesday 23 February 2011

5th DDO Anniversary

Hi guys,

I'm planning to spend a lot of time farming lootz in the special event - see details here. :) Some interesting epic items to be obtained. I'd love to do as much as possible of it with guild. Don't miss this and come online for the anniversary, running through Thursday through Tuesday.

See you there. :)



  1. I'll be there naturally - aside from some raid runs :)

    However: +25% xp boost this weekend! which stacks with xp pots! and traveller blessings! (make sure only to get the major aura at yellow & not ultimate aura, you're virtually guaranteed a couple of xp pots). That'll make life considerably easier for the TRs :)

    Some of the items are very, very nice though.. already got the non-upgraded gloves on my monk, upgraded the hat with sup potency 1 (woot more powerful healing ki) & switched out from my hard-earned DT to the garments of equilibrium.. woot for dps increase! Although admittedly I've lost a guard & 20 HP :P

  2. I definitely want more items than I'll have the time to farm collectables for. Yes, I was gonna spend the whole week leveling, taking advantage of the XP bonus - until I checked out the items. I think loot farming will have priority over XP for me as this gear might save me a great deal of Shroud and epic quest farming.

  3. i'll try to be around too. some of the items are really nice. for example the gloves. autostun and trip on a 20? coupled with GS heavy picks? that's almost a vorpal on top of GS...

  4. I think the farming has been going well so far - a chunk of it seems to be luck with getting clusters of the purple crystals but still, we're doing ok... and its FUN! :)

  5. Okay, I spent some time farming on Ghallanda at the weekend but I need a few more shards on Thelanis, 600 or so, to get Reckluse a Search 20 trinket for epic traps. If anyone is still interested, we can do a couple runs tonight.
