Friday 30 July 2010

Halfway there

Hi dudes,

We've reached 200,000 guild renown now, which means we've got half of what we need for the basic guild airship. It took us about 4 weeks, if we keep up the pace, we should have the basic ship by the end of August. Then about another month or so to reach level 25 to be able to upgrade to Storm Bolt, the smallest luxury ship. That's my goal as far as airships go, after that the guild levelling curve gets so steep I don't think we'll be getting any of the bigger ones, not unless we become a large guild (and I can't see that happening, somehow). :)



  1. i've got next week off work so will probably be playing more so i can do a bit to help!

    Though it depends on whether i'm distracted by dragon age & mass effect 2 that i can now play properly on my shiny new pc.. the new dvds i've picked up in the past few months & not gotten round to watching...
    ..and going out & doing stuff..
    ..and the inevitable conscription into assisting family members with things..

    ...ok i might be on a LITTLE bit more next week! :)

  2. hmm... how many accounts do we have in the guild? we don't get any small guild bonus at all and we definitely don't have anywhere near 25 members. do we have so many members that weren't active for ages? maybe we could remove some (Tas is one that comes to mind, he played 2 weeks or so on Thelanis and then vanished)

  3. I'll have a look later. From the top of my head I think we can remove Tas and your friend Lyniette (if you don't think he's coming back), that would be two accounts.

  4. i don't think any of my friends will come back any soon

