Thursday 4 March 2010

Thelanis forum aka The Whiner's Corner

Jesus, I think I've had it with the Thelanis section on the DDO forums. I've sort of got into the habit of checking it once or twice a day lately, in the hope of reading some server related news, but more than anything else it seems to be a place for people to bitch about other players and guilds and rant about how everyone except them and their guildies is crap. Wait, in fact that's not entirely accurate - I'm pretty sure somebody took it to the next level the other day and came to the forum to bitch about their own guildies to the rest of the server. Priceless!


  1. Reasons like that are why I never use official forums. I check the "New Additions" section or anything server wide.

  2. the problem is, the general forums aren't much better. "pugs suck so hard, i will never pug anymore because they are all so bad" blahblah
    sure sometimes i get annoyed too (as with the screwed up reaver puzzle yesterday, i'd have done it myself but i can't soloheal AND do the puzzle at once. ok in hindsight it might have been possible and definitely the better solution...) but i'm getting over it and do it again.
    and as i wrote in the forum: i pugged all my way up to 20 and hardly quested with any guildie and only rarely had problems. each and every SoS i did (which would be around 10) was completed with a kill of sor'jek and the only one where i really used resources (aka 1 pot, scrolls don't count, they are too cheap) was the very first one where i didn't have any experience healing sos. and i pugged all my SoS runs.
