Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Relic and/or Invaders, Wednesday 9 PM GMT / 4 PM Eastern, level 11-14

Hiya people, as the title says, I'd like to do one of these quests (or both, if time allows) with some guildies. I know Squebra, Nuke, Hanne and one or two others have characters in this range. If we get a nice group, we'll probably do Relic on hard and Invaders on normal.


  1. I should be able to come - most likely bringing Gazunder since he's in the range, or if you can bear having a level 10 in the party Ossanna can tag along once she's levelled (only 18k or so to go, should be easy enuff to get by that time)

  2. isn't Gazunder lvl 16?

    sorry, can't help you there, don't have anything between 6 and 20

  3. Yea, Gazunder is 16, I think he meant Kovalier. You've got too many monks dude, you're getting them mixed up. :p

  4. Yeah I meant Kovalier sorry...

    Let me rephrase: do you want a level 12 with good rogue & fighting abilities, or a level 10 with ok fighting & fairly decent healing abilities? :)

    Regardless, until we start on that I'll probably working on getting Ossanna to level 10

  5. Ossanna would be powerleveled by Reckluse.. And so would be Tinyskittle if Hannah wants to come.. Tbh I'm considering withdrawing from the run so you guys can form a 10-13 group instead (Nuke and Intimi are within that range as well). We'll see tonight.
