Monday, 25 January 2010

Member recap (upated February 4)

As some people have left the guild and new ones joined recently, I thought it might be a good idea to do a bit of a recap so that both the the old and new members have an overview of who's who.

We've recruited some newer US players lately, welcome to to the guild, guys. :)
  • Squebra aka Intimi and Gleeful hailing from Massachusetts.
  • Inuke, a crazy sorc tossing firewalls all over the place. A rl friend of Squebra's, also playing Itank, Capthank and Hazelhank.
  • Philter, freshly recruited, a friend of Squebra's and Inuke's.
  • Nixxy from California, playing a capped wizard, not sure about alts. :)
  • Davgeon from Kansas, new to DDO but with a long history of MMO addictions. :p

Plus there's this bunch of silly people who moved to Thelanis from the Devourer EU server:
  • Myself aka Micron, Reckluse and Eversmile.
  • Hannah of York aka Gollie, Tinyskittle, Tinyclanger, Blaime, Littleears, Soupdwagon and possibly others.
  • Siwani, Silisa, Tilisa and Alairna - a Swiss player and the longest serving member of the guild besides myself.
  • Hanne, an altoholic and multiclassing enthusiast from the UK, plays Ossanna, Gazunder, Kovalier, Kovali, Ilyusha and maybe others I don't know about.
  • Gil aka Urillium, Isuldurn, Plugnplay and Kinyard, hasn't played a lot recently but hoping we'll see more of him, preferably with Khyr as well!
  • Gazz aka Melaniee, Gabbby, Smashibashi and Doppey, a Scottish player and old friend from times long gone. :)
  • Jeng aka Gromber and Bromder, haven't seen much of him lately but he seems to come and go randomly.. I'm sure he's somewhere about.
  • Tas aka Plucking, due to return from Xmas break but seems to be taking his time.
I apologize if I forgot about someone, if you're not on the list, shout at me and I'll add you promptly. Also, bye bye to Susy and Myyster who left the guild to join Legion.

See you in the game people! :)



  1. Oh great, everyone else gets their alts & where they're from.. I have a warning about my altaholic & mad multiclassing attached.... LOL


  2. Well I hope you don't find it offensive because it wasn't meant to be.. :)

  3. Nah it's ok, and pretty true... I'm actually considering another build at the moment - since I've been enjoying Ossanna so much I'm tempted to see if I can make an arcane version work - most likely a 12 monk/7 wiz split, not sure whether to put the last one as another wizzy level (so can cast 3 level 4 spells.. fire shield, firewall & stoneskin or solid fog would be good for a toon in melee a lot), or fighter for the bonus feat. Will have a look later & put together a couple of versions for different races too

  4. I couldn't play 5 monks because, inevitably, I'd soon end up being bored of them, prioritizing one and binning the others. But if it works for you, go for it. :)

  5. Actually only 4 :) It's working pretty well at the moment as they all have different specialties:

    Gazunder: pure monk - run in, hit stuff, rinse & repeat

    Ossanna: divine support monk - decent in a fight, can stand in as a healer (not great, but if people dont expect me to be great its nice when i pull it off, rather than have people assume i'm a healer & then get bitchy if i fail), has some buffs too which increase survivabilty & utility.

    Kovalier: despite him currently having more monk levels, he's primarily intended as a rogue, just with far greater survivability, mobility & a couple of extra nifty skills in place of super sneak attacks & assassination.

    the new one: will be arcane support monk, should have good survivability despite lower HP from wiz levels due to spells like shield for AC boost, stoneskin & blur/displacement/solid fog for damage mitigation plus the ever-useful haste & heroism. I'll have a couple of damage-dealing spells too (primarily firewall to drop on myself in melee) but they're more as an extra than a main feature.

    Pretty different toons overall :)

    The main thing I'm debating with the new one is just whether to go with another halfling for the dragonmarks, extra AC etc. or WF since with the damage mitigation spells mentioned above AC will be less important & I will be able to be more STR based for better melee damage. Regardless, metamagic bonus feat choices will be extend for the buffs & quicken spell so i can cast easily in melee. Might also take mental toughness for the SP, since WF will have more feats than halfling due to lack of marks :)

    See, I _DO_ actually plan my toons out with a fair bit of care now, but unlike some who find the most uber build to be more fun, I find having a less focussed build with a few tricks up my sleeve is a lot more enjoyable, and the fact I can mix it up a bit helps to keep things from becoming too boring

  6. To me they're all midgets that punch stuff with bare fists :p .. I can't play two characters that use the same weapon, I wanna roll a pure rogue and I've been considering taking a martial weapon feat on it because I can't play another rapier user, I've had one for 2 years and a half, it would just seem the same to me. :)

  7. make him use light picks :D would definitely be something new :D
    and didn't you say we need a warchanter? :P


  8. Squebra is levelling a warchanter now (and he's going fast!). The only problem is he's got the intimate tank as well. We need an intimate tank AND a warchanter at the same time in the group! :p

  9. Squerba is nice and all, but i don't want to be so intimate with him... :P

  10. Surely a bard would work well as an intimate tank, since they can croon out a little of the ol' Barry White, some mood lighting... haste might be a no-go though, doubt they'd be very impressed ;)

  11. I'm tempted to make a character and name it Barry White now.

  12. I had to look Barry up on Spotify since I wasn't familiar with his music. I've got to say I'm impressed. I recommend rolling him as a dwarven virtuoso, you should be able to come up with a very authentic looking face.

  13. Its all good, i'm working on leveling up an intimitank now. BTW his name is Itank if you can add him.

