Thursday 19 January 2012

DDO Expansion coming this summer

An expansion to DDO has just been announced. It's - supposedly :p - coming this summer and it's going to be set in the Underdark underground realm in Forgotten Realms, looks like we'll be facing Llolth, the spider queen.
Also level cap raise to 25 and druid class.

A thread on the official DDO forum in which people have been compiling all available info and clues so far:

Discuss on here or on the TNB forum if you like :)

Personally I'm quite excited. :)



  1. Does look like it should be interesting - admittedly will mean shelling out however much for it as an expansion in addition to vp but screw it, i'll be getting it.. also, druids! druids! and cosmetic pets, which presumably means my big clunky dudes will be able to have an itty bitty kitty following them around, yay!

  2. Well it's probably not gonna be more than your new average game, of which you buy a few. Also considering how many TP you buy all the time, you're hardly gonna notice the cost of the expansion. :p

    Anyway, Underdark's a good setting, I've played a couple games that used it and it has a special atmosphere, so I'm looking forward to see Turbine's take on it. Still half a year to go though, long wait.
