Saturday 8 October 2011

Level 60

Hi dudes,
We hit level 60 last night and had our public announcement. Hanne and I did a shroud and ended up with some 400 renown left to 60. We decided we couldn't go to bed and leave it like that so we ran about in the Vale for a bit until we got it.
Screenies below (click to see full size version). Thanks to everyone for contributing!



  1. Haven't been playing much recently, been distracted by other games & a sudden urge to watch through the entire run of Scrubs :) will be back into it now though, gonna have a wander around in the Mabar event tonight & tomorrow hopefully, give my trusty clonk a workout & hope for some upgrades to those wraps :)

  2. Micron is level 2 now! It has only taken a week to get from 1 to 2, powerleveling FTW!!
