Wednesday 24 November 2010

Wed: VoD, Thu: Shroud

Hi guys,

We're gonna try to put a VoD group tonight to help Hanne get his 20th completion (at least I think it's his 20th). It's a bit of a short notice so I'm not sure how many guildies will be able to come, we'll look for more on the channels before pugging.
Also Shroud tomorrow night. See calendar.



  1. Yeah its my 20th run on Kamisan, yay! :) though I'm already farily certain i won't get the bracers of the glacier that I'm after.

    It shouldnt be too hard to pug out if necessary, though naturally the more people we know & trust the better :)

  2. The chance that you won't get them is small, depending on if you get any +3 tomes on your reward list that might replace one of the named items.

    Pugging VoD is not desirable if it can be avoided, you often get people that don't bring remove curse pots, don't stick with the group and miss heals etc. So I'm hoping that we'll only have to pug a few spots.

  3. I know, most of my VoDs have been pugs.. and i was playing a "healer" remember ;) still, if we can get a halfway decent tank & a couple of other competent people it shouldnt be too bad.

    what can i say, i'm an optimist!
