Sunday 29 November 2009

A lil' bit of downtime :)

Hiya people,

I'm sorry you haven't seen much of me the last few days. I am about, not a lot though and often at obscure times (like midnight to 3AM last night :p).
There are two reasons, one of them being the fact I've reached the point where I need to slow down for a bit before I get fed up with the game.. It happens every now and then. :) The other reason is a somewhat uncertain future here at DDO Europe. Not sure you have noticed, but a considerable number of players have stopped playing (either temporarily or completely) and few new ones are coming. Module 10 delayed, no Free to Play, no DDO Store, no events, no competitions, no communication from Codemasters - new players have little reason to start in Europe. In comparison with the US servers it's a dead place. At the moment, Devourer feels more like a guild than a server to me - I somehow keep playing with the same people regardless of what group I join or start.

The community has asked Codemasters for a state of the game address. Until CM responds to this request, I don't feel very motivated to spend a lot of time on my characters or level new ones, I'm afraid. Even "playing just for fun" isn't very appealing when you're on a seemingly dying server.
If there are some good news from CM and it looks like DDO Europe will last for a while, I have every intention to stay on Devourer. Unfortunately for this to happen, something would have to change. A mere "we're not going to shut down" won't suffice at this point.
If there are no good news or CM doesn't respond at all, I'm off to play with Susy on Thelanis, one of the US servers.

I am still going to be about to play and socialize while waiting to see what's going to happen, however, you can't rely on me being on pretty much every day as usual. I will keep you updated on any news or decisions. If you'd like to speak with me but can't get hold of me in game, post a comment here, on the guild forum, PM me on the Codemasters forum or send an email to micron @, I check all of those daily.

Take care. :)



  1. boo!

    just when i was considering a return


  2. Well I'd be glad to see you in game, Myyst. I'm not sure how much I'm going to stick to this "not being about much" business, I posted this entry yesterday morning but then I spent pretty much the whole day online, hehe. It's not that bad just yet, you can always sub for a month and see what you think. There's still people to play with, if you don't mind grouping with almost the same dudes all the time. Sovereign Knights have grown bigger (and guess what, Tus and Hannah are friends now, seriously), there are still LoXers, Germans, Frenchies etc.. If grouping with old buds is your thing, it's okay I guess.
    It's just the creepy feeling that it might not last much longer that I find somewhat discouraging.

  3. to be honest i'm also starting to think about moving to the US. The tought of not having to wait very long for a group is really appealing... Not to mention the second-class treatment we receive here.
    I'd be sad for Alairnas equipment, but it's only a single toon that's equipped well, so i could put up with it. And knowing that you are also slowly moving doesn't work in favor of DDO europe...


  4. I saw that Hannah's moved over there now so I'm gonna download the client and give it a whirl too i think, see how it is... and at least there'll be 1 person i know :)
    It's annoying & a little sad cos of the effort I've put in on my toons, but like they say, no harm in trying at least :)
    Maybe I'll even be able to rebuild Hannelore as a non-gimp!

  5. Post your toons' names here..

    And avoid Aspall Dry Premier Cru Suffolk Cyder..

  6. I've got Ossuary - pretty much as a placeholder, if i scrounge enuff points together i'll try and remke the true 32-pointer WF monk Oss.. also Staite (halfling dex-based fighter)... sadly Hannelore is already taken

  7. i reserved the names Alairna and Siwani on Thelanis today. Tough it will take a few more weeks before i begin to really play ddo again
