Tuesday, 5 August 2014


Hi guys, I'm back after a holiday in CZ and after a few months over the course of which I mostly played single player games, I'm eager to spend more time in DDO, especially now it seems Khyr and some of the Danes are back. I want to get on with Reckluse and Kreea and get some raiding done on Micron and Vs. I'm also thinking about TRing someone to get rid of the XP gems I've accumulated over the last few months.
See you in game!

Saturday, 28 June 2014

Computer kaputt

Hiya, it seems that my computer won't let me log into it. A weird error I've never seen before, I'm working on it but until I figure out what's wrong, I probably won't get to play. To be honest I haven't been playing a whole lot anyway the last few weeks so you might not really notice any difference :p but it's slightly annoying that it's happened now because I was actually planning to run some Crystal Cove while it's on. I have a lappy but DDO doesn't run very well on it so I'll be trying to fix the desktop as soon as I can. Until then, have fun!

Sunday, 20 April 2014

In CZ for two weeks

Hi dudes, I'm in the Czech Republic for two weeks and will probably be fairly busy (the week between April 21 and 27 anyway) so you might not see much of me. See you soon!

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Balance of Land and Sky

While mucking about on Kreea last night I noticed that my saves go up when I put on my Balance of Land and Sky (+3 saves, +3 deflection AC and +11 competence Balance) Greensteel cloak even though I already have a +4 resistance item on. A closer look at the rather convenient Effects log in the chat revealed that the save bonus is the Enhancement type. Now, I'm pretty sure that this item didn't stack with Resistance in the past. I don't know if this change has been announced by the devs (or if it's even WAI!) but I'm not complaining.
If you're after saves on your toon then I believe this is a stacking +3 that wasn't available before. I might make a few of these to replace my MinII shroud items that are slightly obsolete these days. I still want the +45 hit point on my squishies but the other two enchantments on it (100% fort and +5 deflection AC) aren't that great now - both can be slotted as augments and the AC is meh anyway if you're not going for at least a semi-usable AC (which I don't on any of my characters except Ganthra). And while the Balance of Land and Sky comes with a +3 deflection as well, the +3 stacking saves is rather handy and the balance skill bonus is useful on almost any toon. And what's more, a +45 hp Balance of Land and Sky (with some exceptional skill bonuses to boot) is a single-shard item that only costs 2 large scales and stones.