Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Wed: VoD, Thu: Shroud

Hi guys,

We're gonna try to put a VoD group tonight to help Hanne get his 20th completion (at least I think it's his 20th). It's a bit of a short notice so I'm not sure how many guildies will be able to come, we'll look for more on the channels before pugging.
Also Shroud tomorrow night. See calendar.


Thursday, 11 November 2010

Scheduled runs and calendar

Hi people,

We've recently had some problems with grouping that I believe are related, among other things, to the fact there are not many of us and quite a few of us are rather casual so it's hard to predict if and when we'll have enough people online. Ad-hoc grouping hasn't worked very well lately. In an attempt to improve this a little, I am going to try and organize more scheduled runs. We will continue to announce scheduled runs in the Message of the Day in game but I've also created a Google Calendar for this purpose and added a gadget linked to it to the left column in this blog. Using this gadget, even our casual members who don't log in every day will have a way to quickly check if anything is going on and when. If you see an event in the calendar, you can click it to open a bubble that contains additional information. Unfortunately the size or font in the bubble can't be customized so it doesn't really fit in, but you can click "more details" which opens the event in a separate page with all the details displayed.
If there is interest, I will give other officers access to the calendar so they can schedule and create their own entries.

Comments and suggestions are welcome ofc. :)


Monday, 1 November 2010

VON 5 elite, VON 6 hard (?), level 12-15, Thursday 8 PM UK / 9 CET

Hi guys, we want to have another go at Velah this week. We're going to do VON 5 on leet for XP and fun. I talked to a few people last night, there are several who cannot come on Tuesday and some that can't come Wednesday so it looks like we'll either be going tonight (if we happen to have enough flagged people online) or, more likely, on Thursday.
UPDATE: Let's do this on Thursday at 8 PM UK time, subject to change. Shout at me here or in guild chat if you want to come.