Friday, 16 April 2010

All halfling mini-Shroud on Devourer

Earlier this week a couple friends and I ran a 6-man, all halfling Shroud on Devourer. Was supposed to be an all halfling raid group but due to the population issues we didn't find enough people and decided to go with what we had. It was a lot of fun. Check this link for a screenie or two and some comments, if interested (I'm the person posting as Krya):
A vertically challenged Shroud group - Page 4

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Is this still a game I want to support?

I'm not quite sure anymore. :(

EDIT: Further development:
Offer Wall Update – 4/13/2010

EDIT: Another update:
Offer Wall Update

Granted there is a big dose of mass hysteria, speculation and false allegations involved in the community feedback, but to me the worrying thing is that Turbine had an idea like this in the first place and proceeded to implement it. DDO has been increasingly less about Dungeons & Dragons and more about money.